There are times when life feels more like surviving than thriving for me... To be honest, I've come to the realization that most young mothers feel that way at one time or another.
With Violet, I FINALLY got her sleeping through the night (after months of hard work) and taking a bottle (at almost 8 months old), to find she has ear infections AND thrush. It seems like all of life is working against a full night sleep sometimes- Can I get an 'AMEN?!" I can't say that it's been easy with two kids, but it is so worth it.
I have such an intense love for my babies that I already miss the stages they are at now. It's like I can see in my mind's eye that someday soon I will be out of the 'baby phase' and missing the diapers, baby blankeys, endless bottle washing, and days spent in our PJs. Even though Theo has been waking up before 7 am this last week (Lord HAVE MERCY), I treasure the 20 minutes we snuggle in bed together while he drinks his sippy cup of milk. This is a precious time.
I use these tools to stay as present and pleasant as possible in this time:
1) Go outside as much as possible during nice days
2) Exercise a few times a week (at home! There are tons of at home workouts on pinterest)
3) Make reading/time with the Lord a non-negotiable for at least 30 mins during their naptime
4) Set the atmosphere in my home with worship music or godly teaching while we are going about our day
5) Keep a sense of humor
6) Verbalize my love to my children
7) Crockpots. Seriously. Cooking is the bane of my existence, BUT I working on it!
8) Consistently put the kids to bed at 8 (sometimes 7:30) and from 8-10 we spend time investing in our marriage. Sometimes we listen to sermons or worship music-while other times, we watch light-hearted shows on Netflix and laugh