
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Life Update: California here we come!

So a LOT had been happening the last few weeks, but I’ll cut to the chase: this summer Pablo and I are moving to Redding, California to attend Bethel’s School of Supernatural Ministry. Did I know 6 months ago we would be going?: no. Did I know 6 weeks ago we would be going?: NO! Life is crazy, but God is good!
   Basically, we have been sensing that the Lord has something for us this next season of life, but we just were not sure what. We teetered on the edge of putting down roots in Omaha (buying a house, Paul accepting a commercial real estate job, etc.), but didn’t feel peace. Some of my parents’ friends (the Franks) are out at Bethel and have loved it. My parents went out and visited last year and had nothing but amazing things to say about the school and everyone they encountered. Paul and I really didn’t think much of it when we heard about their trip, but everything happens for a reason. A few weeks ago Paul (in the midst of job interviews and entrepreneurship ideas) told me that he felt like we should pray about committing a year of our life to just developing ourselves and our relationships with the Lord. We decided to at least apply to Bethel and see if we got accepted. Two applications, multiple references, and a phone interview later and we were in! Turns out the school has limited openings so we are especially thrilled to have spots.
   The school is from September to May, Tuesday through Friday, 12:30-5:30 pm. Every student is also in a small group and attends service on Sundays. We will be moving out sometime this summer to find jobs and housing. The program includes Bible study, teaching on gifts of the Spirit, praise and worship, missions, the prophetic, signs and wonders, and hands on ministry. There are also guest speakers and teaching from head pastor Bill Johnson. Around 1,000 students attend each year and come from all over the world. This will defiantly be a stretching experience, but we cannot wait to see everything God has for us. We also are looking forward to meeting all our fellow classmates. Want to check out more info on Bethel? Their website is You can go to “Schools” on the top tab and click on School of Ministry tab to learn more about what we will be doing.


  1. Of course we will all miss you, but we are SO excited for you guys!!

  2. Yay that is soooo exciting!! I am loving the jump! Now I will have to come visit, which means I might see you more than I do know!! haha

  3. You will be changed forever :) I'm so excited for you both!
