
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Supernatural Childbirth

   I've been hesitant to post about this book that I read throughout my pregnancy with Theo. I know many women who have had bad labor stories and don't want to seem like I'm being insensitive to what they went through, but I feel like "Supernatural Childbirth" was SUCH a blessing to me that I want other people to know about it! Please hear my heart as you read this because I'm just putting it out there and you can take from it what you want :) I found it in the bookstore here at Bethel and you can get it on Amazon.. I wanted to experience having my own baby before blogging about SC. 

   The whole premise of "Supernatural Childbirth" is believing the Lord for what He has already accomplished on the cross- freedom from the curse (especially the one about pain in childbirth). The book has many testimonies of women who experienced no pain- yes, you read that right- no pain during their labor and delivery. Jackie also leads you through the biblical grounds for a supernatural childbirth and backs it up with scriptures to meditate on. It was enlightening to read because I didn't  know that a pain-free childbirth was something I could pray for! The author herself had 3 painless labor and deliveries and she wasn't even medically supposed to be able to have children. There are a list of prayers and declarations enclosed in the back that you read leading up to having your baby. It's a wonderful tool that helps cultivate a positive, faith-filled mindset. Bottom line: the book helps take away fear associated with birth.
  So my story: I wrote about Theo's birth last month and you can read about it on this blog (under February 2012 posts) for more complete details, but I had an AMAZING first birth. Was it pain-free? No. Was it significantly better than it would have been had I not read the book? ABSOLUTELY! First off, I have a major issue with needles, IVs, pain, and hospitals in general. I literally pass out cold EVERY single time I get a blood draw. As a matter of fact, getting my IV in the hospital was a bigger issue to me than the actual labor and delivery. So when the time came, Paul held my hand, we spoke to my body and believed for supernatural peace and grace to handle it... and guess what?!? I didn't pass out, wasn't queasy, nothing! That was the first aspect of my labor that was so wonderful. 
  Another answer to prayer was that I went into labor on my own (something I had really been desiring). When we checked into the hospital Sunday night (the night before I was to be induced) I was already in labor! My water broke naturally and even though I was given Pitocin,  it was just standard procedure to speed along labor- not because I wasn't progressing.. that brings me to my next point- I progressed rapidly. Every time my nurse checked me she had good news! This was a point I had prayed into throughout my pregnancy that I would have a quick labor. From the time my water broke until I held Theo in my arms it was 13 hours... which I was pleased with. 
   Theo was a big baby for me- almost 9 lbs (so glad I didn't know that before hand!!!) and I had no tearing or stitches- I was told after the fact that this in of itself is supernatural! Part of that I attribute to having an amazing nurse who knew what she was doing, but I had prayed and spoke life over my body for months- believing that it was made to have babies and knew how to stretch and change without injuring me.
  Finally, I just want to acknowledge that EVERY birth is different and hope that sharing this doesn't cause anyone to compare their experience or think a difficult childbirth is due to a lack of faith- so not the case! My only goal is to give you a vision that bringing babies into the world doesn't have to be like what you see on TV. You can have a peaceful, joyful experience- I did! That is my favorite part of my birth story- there was such an amazing atmosphere of the Lord's presence and I never would have thought I could feel this way while pushing out a baby ;)
   So if you're curious, get the book, if you think I'm nuts, still get the book and let me know what you think! I would so LOVE to know other women who are reading it and believing for awesome childbirths (so I can pray for you and hear your stories)!!! I'm anticipating progressively better births which each child we have.. I've even started praying for our future children's entry into this world now.


  1. Amen! Birth can be an enjoyable, peaceful experience. Thank you for posting this, I am all about educating and encouraging women to think differently about labor and birth. Wonderful post :) -Katina Kimbril

  2. This is awesome Emily! All three of my births were amazing experiences. Stella espically. I absolutely felt the Lord's hand on her labor and delivery. When I was told it was time to push I was overwhelmed to tears because I couldn't believe it had all happened that way. She flew out in one push. I'm so going to read that book! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hi Emily, Thank you for sharing this! I have read the book. I did not specifically follow it during my pregnancy or delivery BUT we thoroughly believe in the power of prayer. The book is certainly worth reading for any woman expecting to have a baby.
